Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Disproving Betta Fish Myths: Proper Betta Care

The Betta, also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish, is often recommended as a beginner fish. According to many pet stores and supply companies, these fish can live in "Betta Cubes", small tanks, some as little as a quarter of a gallon. Though it is possible for them to live in such small conditions, it is frowned upon by fish enthusiasts, some going as far as calling it inhumane. Of course, most fishkeepers do not intentionally keep their Bettas in unsuitable environments, it is encouraged, even by some of the most reputable vendors. So here we go, folks! Let's get down to disproving those myths!

Myth #1

Bettas can live perfectly happy lives in small "betta bowls." This is false. Though even among enthusiasts, the tank size for a betta is constantly under dispute, I feel that at least a 3 gallon tank would be a minimum tank size.

This type of model can be found at most vendors.
Myth #2

Bettas do not require a filtration system. Any fish should have a proper filter. There are filters for any size tank, and they come at a wade verity of prices. So there really is no excuse not to have one. Filters clear out toxins that build up in the water from waste products and leftover food. It also helps to maintain a proper PH level. 

Myth #3

Bettas do not require a heater. This is one of the biggest myths out there. Bettas come from hot environments in Asia. They are also cold-blooded, which means they will have less energy and a lower immune system, prone to more illnesses if they are not kept at the proper temperature. The proper temperature for a betta should be 78-81 degrees F. As with filters, heaters come in a wide variety of models and sizes, depending on what your needs are and the size of your tank. 

Below is a picture of my own betta, Hermes. He is a double-tail, and he lives in a 5 gallon tank with a heater set at 80 F and filter. Here are some pictures!

And Here's a Video of a Happy Betta!

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